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Obscure Coding Terms - Meanings of Debugging, Build, Release

J의 지식사전 2024. 2. 27. 00:34

I'll just give you the essentials.

Debugging is the act of catching errors that occur after programming.

Building refers to transforming source files written by developers into a format that can be executed on computers or mobile phones. For example, on a Windows computer, it means creating .exe files, or for testing purposes on mobile phones, it involves creating apk files to run the app directly.

When developing program features, they are first tested in the development environment to ensure they work properly before being applied directly to the operational environment. Our data is valuable, after all. After confirming there are no issues in the development environment, applying them to the operational environment is what's referred to as release or deployment. For example, you know how iPhone iOS update alerts pop up. That's Apple testing various adjustments and determining there are no issues before releasing (or deploying) what's been developed to the actual operational environment, which is users' mobile phones.

Hope that helps! Take care~!
