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Political blame game intensifies in Seoul over Sue Mi Terry row
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The recent indictment in the US of Sue Mi Terry, a North Korea expert who formerly worked for the US Central Intelligence Agency, is feeding the political blame game between the ruling bloc and opposition here over which administration is responsible for what is perceived as South Korea's spying blunder.
A South Korean liberal lawmaker who formerly served as the chief of South Korea's National Intelligence Service slammed President Yoon Suk Yeol's office for "creating an internal rift."
In a Facebook post Thursday, Rep. Park Jie-won of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea said the presidential office's possible audit of the spy agency would be "the worst out of the worst that does no good for the national interest," and instead would be "aggravating the problem."
"(Yoon's office) should refrain from creating an internal strife in the NIS that would undermine its intelligence capability," Park noted.
He also urged Seoul to examine the repercussions of the US indictment of Terry and prepare countermeasures, instead of "instigating the confrontation between the former Moon Jae-in administration and the incumbent Yoon administration."
Rep. Park Sun-won of the Democratic Party also said in a press briefing Thursday at the National Assembly that of all the alleged activities Terry was indicted for, 20 were during the Yoon administration, while 12 occurred under the Moon administration and eight took place during the prior Park Geun-hye administration. Park Sun-won was the first deputy director of the NIS under Park Jie-won's leadership.
Park Sun-won said in an interview with KBS on Friday that Terry's activities that allegedly breached US rules "significantly spiked" during the Yoon administration.
Park was responding to a comment by a senior official of the presidential office, who declined to be named Thursday, saying that Seoul may carry out an audit of the spy agency, while laying blame on the Moon administration that "removed experts and let amateurs fill in" in Seoul's spy agency during his five years in office to early 2022.
Terry is facing charges of acting as an unregistered agent for Seoul since at least 2013 in return for bribes, advocating for South Korea's policy positions and disclosing nonpublic US government information to South Korean intelligence officers.
영어 원문 | 한국어 번역 |
The recent indictment in the US of Sue Mi Terry, a North Korea expert who formerly worked for the US Central Intelligence Agency, is feeding the political blame game between the ruling bloc and opposition here over which administration is responsible for what is perceived as South Korea's spying blunder. | 미국에서 최근 공개된 수미 테리 전 미국 중앙 정보국(CIA) 북한 전문가의 기소는 여기서 국내 정치의 두 당파 간의 책임론을 촉발하고 있다. 이는 한국의 첩보 작업 실수로 여겨지는 것에 대해 어느 정부가 책임이 있는지에 대한 문제다. |
A South Korean liberal lawmaker who formerly served as the chief of South Korea's National Intelligence Service slammed President Yoon Suk Yeol's office for "creating an internal rift." | 한국의 리버럴 정치인으로서 이전에 대한민국 국가정보원을 이끈 경험이 있는 국회의원이 윤석열 대통령의 사무실을 비판했다. 그는 "내부 분열을 일으키고 있다"고 주장했다. |
In a Facebook post Thursday, Rep. Park Jie-won of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea said the presidential office's possible audit of the spy agency would be "the worst out of the worst that does no good for the national interest," and instead would be "aggravating the problem." | 대한민국 주요 야당인 민주당 소속의 박지원 국회의원은 페이스북 게시물에서 대통령 사무실의 첩보 기관 감사 계획을 "국익에 아무런 이익이 없는 최악의 선택"이라며 "문제를 악화시키는 것"이라고 비판했다. |
"(Yoon's office) should refrain from creating an internal strife in the NIS that would undermine its intelligence capability," Park noted. | "윤석열 대통령의 사무실은 NIS의 정보 능력을 약화시킬 내부 분열을 일으키지 말아야 한다"고 박 의원은 말했다. |
He also urged Seoul to examine the repercussions of the US indictment of Terry and prepare countermeasures, instead of "instigating the confrontation between the former Moon Jae-in administration and the incumbent Yoon administration." | 그는 또한 "전 문재인 정부와 현재의 윤석열 정부 간의 대립을 부추기는 것이 아니라", 테리의 미국 기소의 결과를 검토하고 대응책을 마련해야 한다고 정부에 촉구했다. |
Rep. Park Sun-won of the Democratic Party also said in a press briefing Thursday at the National Assembly that of all the alleged activities Terry was indicted for, 20 were during the Yoon administration, while 12 occurred under the Moon administration and eight took place during the prior Park Geun-hye administration. | 민주당 소속 박선원 의원은 국회에서 목요일 기자회견을 통해 테리의 기소 사건 중 20건이 윤석열 정부 시절에 발생했으며, 12건이 문재인 정부 시절에 발생했고, 8건은 박근혜 정부 시절에 발생했다고 밝혔다. |
Park Sun-won said in an interview with KBS on Friday that Terry's activities that allegedly breached US rules "significantly spiked" during the Yoon administration. | 박선원 의원은 금요일 KBS와의 인터뷰에서 테리가 미국 규정을 위반한 활동이 윤석열 정부 시기에 "급격히 증가했다"고 말했다. |
Park was responding to a comment by a senior official of the presidential office, who declined to be named Thursday, saying that Seoul may carry out an audit of the spy agency, while laying blame on the Moon administration that "removed experts and let amateurs fill in" in Seoul's spy agency during his five years in office to early 2022. | 박 의원은 목요일 익명을 요구한 청와대 고위관계자가 "문 정부가 전문가를 빼내고 아마추어만 채웠다고 비난하며 국정원 감사를 할 수도 있다"는 발언에 대해 답했다. 박 의원은 2022년 초까지 국정원에서 5년 간 근무했다. |
Terry is facing charges of acting as an unregistered agent for Seoul since at least 2013 in return for bribes, advocating for South Korea's policy positions and disclosing nonpublic US government information to South Korean intelligence officers. | 테리는 적어도 2013년 이후에 정부의 미등록 요원으로서 뇌물을 받고 한국의 정책 입장을 옹호하며, 비공개 미국 정부 정보를 한국의 첩보 요원들에게 유출한 혐의로 기소되었다. |
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